Sunday 20 February 2011

Thought 15: No title

Do you feel proud ?
Do you feel good ?
What exactly is it that you are looking for?
Isn't having your cake enough, you have to eat it as well ?
Does it feel big to be you?
Do you feel like a grown woman?
How can you call yourself independent when you seem dependent on the high you get?
What is it that makes you do this?
Don't you see how other people are killing themselves to have what you have?
Don't you think I envy what you have?
Don't you see the love that you get to be more than enough ?
What do these highs give you that your love doesn't ?
If the love you have doesn't give you enough high, why don't you leave ?
Why stay on the same boat when you clearly have other destinations?
I don't dislike you for being like this
I just wish to understand the feelings that you get
Knowing the hurt you could be causing
Is it something you live with easily
Or what they don't know
Won't kill them
But you know
Doesn't it kill you ?

Thought 14: In my shoes(literally)‏

There is a question that goes around in most peoples minds when they get to know me.
Why do I like shoes ?
More specifically, why do I insist on wearing high heeled shoes?
It seems unimportant but it is an important part of my life.
It actually has more significant to me than making me look taller, strangely enough.
When I slide my feet into a pair of at least 5 inch shoes, there are butterflies fluttering away in my tummy. I dislike my height, although I thank God for who I am, it is not a fact that I am hugely proud of. Most people may assume that the Media has influenced this perspective as they portray the 'good looking' women to be stereotypically taller women. In some way, that may be true but my passion to be tall feels more personal than a nurtured feeling.
I know the consequences of wearing high heels like a fat girl knows about her chocolate. I wish I could explain why I carry on going against my knowledge but I cannot.

Being in heels makes me feel complete.
Being in heels makes me feel better about myself.
Being in heels makes the world seem to disappear.
Being in heels makes my legs seem longer. (Couldn't miss that one out)

In my shoes is a different point of view of the world.
In my shoes is where I find my own kind of happiness.
In my shoes I found my own kind of love.

Shoes do not get angry with you.
Shoes (hardly) never let you down.
Shoes are always therapeutic.
Shoes only make you feel guilty when you don't buy them.

Thought 13: HD Christians

We are in those days where..well, everything is upgraded. Or has to be upgraded otherwise things not function as they are meant to.
And well if you don't upgrade you fall behind...but as Christians where does this put us in the world? Why do try so hard to 'upgrade God' in every century that passes? If God is the same always, why do we assume that whatever we like, He will approve? Does God really care about what technology we use to spread the Word...or is the purpose to spread the Word whatever means possible, but the means surely shouldn't be the focus, right ?
Every time there's something new that the world produces, as Christians we always try and incooperate it into something we can use for the 'work of God'. Is that so wrong ? Maybe not but what's right about it ?

Does God care whether you use your iPhone4 to carry the gospel or your briefcase ?
Does God care whether He is being broadcasted to the world through 3ABN or through word of mouth ?

I'm pretty sure He doesn't mind which way the word it spread, so long it is spread.
If the people of the bible who, mind you, had not even a quarter of the technology we have now, spread the word to millions of people..why do we hesitate to do the same?

Why do we feel the need to adapt to the rest of the world, technology wise ?
"Be in the world but not of the world"
Surely this applies to us.
Surely this means we should not entwine ourselves in trying to upgrade God in order for His Word to be spread. But spread the world whatever means necessary...

Are we upgrade God then degrading the meaning of His Word ?