Call me a fool
Call me an idiot
Call me whatever names you think of
But why does it seem like its just me
Why is it do hard to find that friend that is actually loyal
I know everyone lets you down in some way or another
But why does it happen to me all the time
I try and think of all the great things that happen in my life
I know them
I'm grateful for them
But sometimes all I want it someone who listens
Someone who understands
Someone who won't let me down
Someone who knows there are times I just don't want to talk to anybody
There are times I just want to be by myself
Then there are times I really need a friend
A friend that can understand me with so little words
A friend that is always always going to be there no matter what
Someone that sticks to their promises
Someone that won't run away when things get tough
Someone that doesnt mind that I'm clingy
Sometimes that I understands that I easily depend
I easily trust
I easily get misled
Sometime that can point me in the right direction
Make all the right decisions for me
In fact make all the decisions for me
Someone I can hug and cuddle all night without it leading to anything
Someone that doesn't mind holding me telling me everything is going to be ok and I'll believe them because it's true
Someone I can tell about my past without feeling like I'm exposing myself in the worst way
Without feeling like I'm a piece of furniture with no feelings
Does such a friend exist ?
Am I wishing on stones ?
All I want is the perfect friend.
So call me a fool if that's too much I'm asking for.
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