Might seem like a strange notion to those(if any) who come across this.
As I have travelled from different place, I have seen that there are some people who you shall ALWAYS have in your life. Then there are some who are there for different purposes, they dont last as long.
"At times we prefer to stay close to those who push us away the most"
You may be thinking....surely if someone is pushing me away...you would stay away right. But it seems that the good friends that are always there for us, the ones we use when we need them. Well we either dont realise that those are the true friends or when we do realise...well its not late but its not exatcly useful.
"friends are like the seasons. each season brings something new and diffeent. somr seasons you will like. some you wont. some you will want when they are not there. some you wish they didnt bother altogether"Throughout my 'seasons' of friends i have found that in my life I have different friends. Most i can honestly say i love. Some i can trust. Hardly any i can truly talk my thoughts with....
More of my expriences with friends on later posts ;)

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